The Ivy Institute

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2023’s Top Activity Trends for High School Students

As we start 2023, high school students across the country are already setting new trends and breaking barriers. Here are some of the top high school student trends to look out for in 2023:

  1. Social activism: Today's high school students are increasingly aware of social issues and are taking action to make a difference. Whether it's fighting for climate justice, advocating for racial and gender equality, or protesting gun violence, young people are showing a remarkable level of engagement and passion for creating change in their communities and beyond.

  2. Mental health and wellness: With increasing awareness of mental health issues, high school students are taking steps to prioritize their well-being. From practicing mindfulness and meditation to seeking therapy or counseling, young people are recognizing the importance of self-care and mental health as crucial components of overall health and success.

  3. STEM education: Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education continues to be a popular trend among high school students, with many pursuing advanced courses, internships, and extracurricular activities in these fields. With the growing importance of technology in our society, STEM education provides valuable skills and knowledge that can lead to lucrative careers and groundbreaking innovations.

  4. Entrepreneurship: High school students are increasingly interested in starting their own businesses, whether it's selling products online or creating innovative services that meet the needs of their communities. With the rise of e-commerce and social media, young people have access to powerful tools for marketing and networking, making entrepreneurship more accessible than ever.

  5. Online learning: With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting schools and communities, online learning has become a trend among high school students. From virtual classes and digital textbooks to online tutoring and study groups, students are embracing technology to stay connected and engaged in their studies.

  6. Sustainable living: As climate change and environmental issues become more urgent, high school students are adopting sustainable living practices, such as reducing waste, recycling, and using renewable energy. Young people are also advocating for policies and initiatives that promote sustainability, such as clean energy incentives and plastic bag bans.

  7. Diversity and inclusion: High school students are increasingly aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion, both in their schools and in society at large. From supporting multicultural events and student organizations to challenging stereotypes and biases, young people are taking steps to create more inclusive and welcoming environments for all.

In conclusion, high school students in 2023 are showing remarkable passion, engagement, and innovation in a wide range of areas. Whether it's social activism, mental health and wellness, STEM education, entrepreneurship, online learning, sustainable living, or diversity and inclusion, young people are setting trends and making their mark on the world. As we look ahead to the future, we can expect even more exciting developments from this talented and inspiring generation of students.