What will be your App Identity?

"Application Identity™ is the ultimate tool for students to secure college acceptance - a singular quality or characteristic that sets them apart and makes them indispensable to a college."

Application Identity™

While many students may have heard of Application Hooks or Positioning, we take it to a whole new level with our successful strategy of App Identity.

While a catchy application hook can help make your profile stand out, it's no longer enough in today's cutthroat competition. With hundreds to thousands of students with the same “hooks,” you need something truly unique to differentiate yourself. That's where App Identity comes in.

App Identity™ is a service exclusively offered by The Ivy Institute, designed to identify a single defining characteristic from your background, profile, interests, or experiences. It's about discovering that one quality that makes you who you are and what sets you apart from the rest.

Imagine presenting an aspect of yourself that no other applicant can write about, giving you a genuine and authentic voice. The Ivy League and top colleges seek diversity, and by highlighting your unique qualities, you become a prized addition to their freshman classes.

We work closely with you to pinpoint that distinctive trait, carefully crafting a compelling narrative that ties together all your application materials in a way no other student can. Our expert team ensures that your uniqueness shines through, capturing the attention of admissions officers and eliminating competition in the applicant pool.

With App Identity™, you won't be solely defined by grades, test scores, or accomplishments. Instead, you'll present a complete and powerful picture of who you are, resonating deeply with admissions committees. A well-crafted App Identity can even tip the scales in your favor, leading to an acceptance over other candidates with perfect metrics.

So, the question is, what's your unique story? What defines you, and what can only you bring to the college community? Let The Ivy Institute guide you towards unlocking your true potential and securing the acceptance you deserve.

Learn more about App Identity here!

are like collectors—they want one type of every student from all walks of life around the world.

If you can identify something that no other student can write about, your chances of acceptance are exponential, regardless of grades and accomplishments.

So what will your App Identity™ be? Let us help you find a spot on campus that only you can fill!