Are you a parent? Here are the best tips for supporting your student through he college admissions process.

The college admissions process can be a stressful time for both students and their parents. Here are some ways that parents can best support their students through the process:

  1. Encourage and motivate: Encourage your student to stay focused, motivated, and organized throughout the process. Help them set goals and milestones, and celebrate their achievements along the way.

  2. Be a sounding board: Be available to listen to your student's concerns, frustrations, and triumphs. Provide emotional support and a sounding board for your student's ideas and worries.

  3. Help with research: Assist your student with researching colleges, scholarships, and financial aid options. Provide guidance on what to look for in a college and help them narrow down their options.

  4. Attend college fairs and visits: Accompany your student to college fairs and campus visits, and offer your input and observations.

  5. Help with applications: Review your student's applications and essays, but be careful not to over-edit or take over the process. Offer suggestions and feedback, but let your student take the lead.

  6. Support their decisions: Respect your student's decisions about which colleges to apply to and attend, even if they don't match your own preferences or expectations.

  7. Manage expectations: Help manage expectations by discussing the possibility of rejection and having a backup plan in place.

Overall, the best way to support your student through the college admissions process is to be there for them, provide guidance and encouragement, and let them take ownership of the process.


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