How many AP classes should you take to get into an Ivy League school?

There is no set number of AP classes that a student should take for Ivy League admissions. Ivy League universities each have their own unique admissions processes, and while a strong academic record is important, it is just one factor that admissions committees consider.

Instead of focusing on a specific number of AP classes, it is important for students to challenge themselves academically and take courses that align with their interests and goals. Students should aim to take the most challenging courses available at their school and perform well in those courses.

In addition to academics, Ivy League universities also value extracurricular activities, leadership experience, community service, and other achievements. It is important for students to pursue their passions outside of the classroom and demonstrate a commitment to making a positive impact in their community.

Ultimately, Ivy League admissions are highly competitive, and it is important for students to present a well-rounded application that showcases their strengths, accomplishments, and potential for success.


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