The Ivy Institute

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Juniors, it’s time to start making your college lists. Here is how to build a balanced list of reach, target, and safety colleges.

Researching and developing a college list can seem like a daunting task for students, but with some guidance and organization, it can be a manageable and rewarding process. Here are some steps that students can take to research and develop their college lists:

  1. Determine priorities and preferences: Before starting the research process, students should consider what factors are most important to them in a college, such as location, size, academic programs, campus culture, cost, and career opportunities.

  2. Research colleges: Once students have identified their priorities and preferences, they can start researching colleges that meet their criteria. They can use online search engines, college websites, guidebooks, and college fairs to gather information about different colleges.

  3. Visit campuses: Visiting college campuses can provide students with valuable insights into the campus culture, academic programs, facilities, and student life. They can attend campus tours, information sessions, and meet with current students and faculty.

  4. Talk to counselors and advisors: School counselors and college advisors can provide students with guidance and resources to help them research and develop their college lists. They can offer insights into the college admissions process and recommend colleges that match students' interests and abilities.

  5. Narrow down the list: After gathering information and visiting campuses, students can start narrowing down their college list based on their preferences and priorities. They can also consider factors such as admissions requirements, financial aid, and scholarships.

  6. Consider fit: Finally, students should consider how well they fit with each college on their list. They can ask themselves questions such as: Does the college offer the academic programs and resources that I need? Will I feel comfortable and supported on this campus? Can I see myself thriving and succeeding at this college?

By taking these steps, students can research and develop a college list that reflects their goals, interests, and strengths. It's important for students to approach the process with an open mind and to be flexible as they discover new information and insights about different colleges.