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The Legacy Series: Benjamin Franklin and Penn Admissions Today

It takes no more than a stroll down Locust Walk to discover the vibrant world of the University of Pennsylvania, a remarkable institution that upholds the vision of its founder, Benjamin Franklin, in everything that it does to this very day. In this article, we will explore the University's history and delve into how its admissions process draws inspiration from Franklin's principles, ensuring that the future is shaped by individuals who embrace his timeless values.

A Glimpse into the Past:

Travel back to 1740, the year the University of Pennsylvania was established under the guidance of the brilliant Benjamin Franklin. With his visionary mindset, Franklin aimed to create an institution that would empower generations to come. Even today, Penn remains deeply influenced by Franklin's legacy, fostering an environment that cherishes intellectual curiosity, practical knowledge, and civic engagement.

Embodying Franklin's Spirit:

At Penn, the spirit of Benjamin Franklin permeates the admissions process, guiding the institution's character. Admissions officers search for applicants who embody Franklin's passion for knowledge, innovation, and civic responsibility. They seek individuals who can uphold Penn's rich tradition and make a positive impact on society.

Seeking Extraordinary Individuals:

Penn's admissions team embarks on a quest to identify exceptional individuals who possess the potential to shape the future. They look for students who demonstrate intellectual curiosity, a hunger for learning, and a genuine desire to contribute to the world around them. Such individuals capture the essence of Franklin's ideals.

Embracing Curiosity:

Just as Benjamin Franklin was driven by intellectual curiosity, Penn values applicants who exhibit a love for learning that extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Admissions officers seek candidates who have pursued their passions, explored diverse interests, and displayed a genuine thirst for knowledge.

Practical Knowledge and Innovation:

Franklin believed in the power of practical knowledge and its ability to drive societal transformation. Penn looks for applicants who have applied their academic learning to real-world situations, showcasing innovation, problem-solving skills, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Students who have made a meaningful impact through research, internships, or extracurricular endeavors are highly regarded.

Civic Engagement and Social Impact:

Benjamin Franklin's commitment to civic engagement and social betterment continues to inspire Penn's admissions process. The university values applicants who share this dedication and have actively contributed to their communities. Admissions officers recognize the importance of students who demonstrate empathy, leadership, and a genuine concern for the welfare of others.

A Promising Future:

As the University of Pennsylvania forges to lead the future, the historic spirit of Benjamin Franklin remains at its core. The admissions process reflects his enduring legacy, seeking individuals who embody intellectual curiosity, practical knowledge, and civic engagement. Embrace the spirit of Franklin as you embark on your educational journey, knowing that you have the opportunity to shape the future at the University of Pennsylvania, just like the visionary himself.