What would you pay to get into the Ivy League?

How much would you pay to get into an Ivy League school or other top college?

There are many acceptable ways that increase a student’s chance at getting into an Ivy League or other top college. Examples include:

  • Donations (Gifts) to the college

  • Funding the construction of a building or program

  • Paying for academic, personal, and/or professional student opportunities, such as private tutoring, coaching, and/or camps

  • Living in a higher income school district with more student resources or attending a private school with more resources than nearby public options

  • Hiring a private college admissions consultant or counselor

All of these options are completely acceptable ways that can increase a student’s chance of acceptance. While not everyone can attend a top private high school, any student can work with a top college admissions consultant.

To date, The Ivy Institute has achieved a 100% acceptance rate getting students into Ivy League and other top college due to our Predictive Admissions™ process. We are so confident in our process, we are the only firm to offer a 100% money back guarantee if a student is not accepted to one of their top colleges (which we have yet needed to do!).

To ensure success, we work with no more than 20 students each year. Thus, to fairly fill the limited number of spots, we utilize an offer system. As we our committed to helping any student get accepted to any college, regardless of income or background, paid fees help students experiencing financial hardships and/or other disadvantages. We also offer a scholarship program for up to a 100% fee waiver. Click here if you think you may qualify for financial assistance.

Together, we can help any student get accepted to any college.

If you could increase your student’s chance of getting into an Ivy League or other top college, how much would you pay? Make an offer by clicking below.


Top College Acceptance Rates By Level of Help

*Estimates based on available data.

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Ivy League Supplemental Essay Questions (2021-2022)