When does the Common App open for seniors?

The college application season is just around the corner, and it's time to get prepared. If you're planning to use the Common Application (Common App) for your college submissions, we've got some important dates to keep in mind. On August 1st, the Common App officially opens for seniors to create their profiles and start adding colleges. However, some schools, like Yale, release their specific questions and sections a bit later, closer to September 1st. So, let's dive into the details and make sure you're ready to start the process!

August 1st: The Big Day!

Mark August 1st on your calendar because it's a significant day in the college application timeline. On this day, the Common App opens its doors for seniors to create their accounts and begin the exciting journey of applying to college. You can start filling out your personal information, listing your activities, and inputting your test scores. It's like opening a new chapter in your academic adventure!

Adding Colleges and Exploring Supplemental Questions:

Once you've set up your profile, it's time to add the colleges you're interested in. You can search for colleges by name or use the Common App's handy search feature. Once you find your dream schools, add them to your list. The Common App will help you organize important deadlines and requirements for each school

As you explore each college's individual requirements, you'll come across supplemental essay questions and specific sections. Most colleges make these available on August 1st, so you can get a head start on crafting your responses. This is your chance to let your personality shine and show why you're the perfect fit for each institution.

While many colleges release their supplemental questions and sections on August 1st, there are exceptions, and Yale is one of them. Yale typically releases their specific questions and sections a bit later, usually near September 1st. So, make sure you continuously check for updates and keep an eye out for Yale's requirements. It's important to stay on top of any changes or additions to ensure you don't miss any crucial information.

Stay Informed and Be Proactive:

As the college application process unfolds, it's crucial to stay informed and be proactive. Regularly check the Common App website for updates, especially if you're applying to Yale or any other schools known for releasing their specific questions later. Keeping an eye out for changes will ensure that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips and can submit your applications smoothly.

In summary, the Common App opens its doors for seniors on August 1st, marking the beginning of the college application journey. You can create your profile, add colleges, and dive into the supplemental questions and sections of most schools right away. However, colleges like Yale often release their specific questions and sections later, around September 1st. So, stay vigilant and continuously check for updates to avoid missing any important information. The college application process can be exciting and overwhelming, but with the right preparation and diligence, you'll be well on your way to crafting standout applications that showcase your unique qualities and aspirations.

Good luck, and enjoy the process!


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