Are you facing “writers block” while writing your college admissions essays? Here’s a TikTok trend that can help!

“If the scene doesn’t move the story forward, cut it.”
- Anca Antoci

Are you one of the many students grappling with the notorious writer's block while attempting to craft your college admissions essays? Fret not, for within the realms of an unexpected source lies a TikTok-inspired writing trend that can serve as your creative catalyst. In the enchanting world of words, where the daunting blank page often casts its shadow, the "5Ws technique" emerges as an artistic key to unlock your narrative potential.

Anca Antoci, a seasoned fantasy author who has delicately honed her craft since her debut novel "Forget Me Not" entered bookshelves in 2020, offers us a glimpse into her writing journey—a journey illuminated by tips and tricks that have proven to be invaluable. This technique, a strategic maneuver in the writer's arsenal, promises to transcend your college application essays into captivating narratives that stand out amidst a sea of applicants.

Re-emerging from a TikTok writing trend, the "5Ws technique" presents itself as a game-changer—a guardian against the looming specter of writer's block. Antoci illuminates this technique's five pillars, as they are a reflection of the journalistic framework: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

Antoci states: "The 5Ws technique is one of the most helpful tips I encountered that actually prevented or sometimes canceled the writer’s block for me and I’ll explain what it is and how I use it."

"The 5Ws technique requires that for every scene of your story you set up the 5Ws: who, what, when, where and why."

The Who (Characters): The stage is set with the "Who." The characters, each endowed with their quirks, dreams, and nuances, come to life. Knowing them intimately allows you to imbue them with unique voices, ensuring their presence resonates throughout the scene. No character is left behind, as the "Who" guarantees their rightful place in the narrative tapestry.

The What (Action): The essence of the scene is encapsulated in the "What." It delineates the unfolding action—whether it's a pivotal turning point, an emotionally charged encounter, or an adrenaline-fueled climax. With a crystal-clear "What," your scene gains purpose, serving as a guiding star in your literary journey.

The When (Timeline): The elusive dimension of time finds its anchor in the "When." Whether it's the crack of dawn, the starlit night, or the heart of a wild midnight celebration, understanding the temporal backdrop eradicates inconsistencies and keeps the narrative harmonious. A well-considered "When" is a quiet conductor of temporal synchronicity.

The Where (Setting): Enter the "Where," akin to a film director's canvas. The backdrop—the cozy cafe, the eerie mansion, the bustling marketplace—breathes life into your characters and sets the emotional tone. The setting becomes more than a mere backdrop; it becomes an active participant in the unfolding drama.

The Why (Purpose): The "Why" serves as the enigmatic seasoning that elevates your scene from mundane to memorable. It answers the crucial question: Why does this scene matter? Each scene becomes a cog in the grand narrative machinery, propelling the story forward. Should a scene lack a compelling "Why," perhaps it's time to reassess its place in the tale.

Antoci's personal journey is interwoven with the efficacy of the "5Ws technique." Through it, she vanquished writer's block and unlocked her creativity. She navigated this technique with her characters, actions, timeline, setting, and purpose, ensuring every scene served a greater narrative purpose. For those embarking on their own creative voyage, the technique stands as an open invitation—an artistic map to traverse the labyrinth of writer's block.

Antoci continues to say, "Once you have answered these five questions, you should have a clear blueprint for your scene. This method helped me stay focused, avoid plot holes, and create scenes that resonate with readers."

As you grapple with the intricacies of your college admissions essays, consider the wisdom Anca Antoci bestows upon us. The "5Ws technique," resurfaced in world of TikTok and brought back to life in recent years, offers a respite from writer's block. Let it guide your hand as you unravel your story's characters, actions, timeline, setting, and purpose. With this artistic key in hand, your college admissions essays can bloom into narratives that resonate, captivate, and transcend.

History of the “5 W’s” Technique

The "5 W's" technique for writing has a long history and is rooted in journalism, where it serves as a foundational principle for gathering and presenting information in news stories. The technique is designed to ensure that all essential information is covered and that stories are concise, clear, and informative. The 5 W's stand for Who, What, When, Where, and Why – key questions that journalists ask to provide a complete picture of an event or situation.

The origins of the 5 W's technique can be traced back to ancient times when philosophers and scholars emphasized the importance of asking questions to understand the world around them. However, the modern application of the 5 W's in journalism gained prominence during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Nellie Bly, a pioneering investigative journalist of the late 1800s, is often credited with popularizing the use of the 5 W's in reporting. Her groundbreaking work in investigative journalism and immersive reporting techniques inspired other journalists to adopt a systematic approach to gathering and presenting information.

While Nellie Bly played a significant role in promoting the use of the 5 W's, it's important to note that the technique itself evolved over time and wasn't created by a single individual. Journalists collectively recognized the need for a structured method to ensure that news stories provided all necessary details to their audiences.

The 5 W's were eventually supplemented by an "H," representing "How," making it the "5 W's and H" approach. This addition ensured that stories not only covered the basic facts but also explored the methods, processes, and mechanisms behind events.

Over the years, the 5 W's and H technique became a standard practice in journalism education and newsrooms around the world. Journalists are trained to ask these fundamental questions when gathering information, conducting interviews, and writing news stories. The technique helps writers organize their thoughts, avoid omission of important details, and maintain clarity and coherence in their reporting.

While the 5 W's technique originated in journalism, its principles have been adopted and adapted across various fields, including writing, research, investigation, and problem-solving. In writing, authors use the 5 W's to ensure that their narratives are well-structured, informative, and engaging. Additionally, the technique has found utility in educational contexts, aiding students in analyzing texts, summarizing information, and formulating research questions.

As you find yourself immersed in the intricate tapestry of composing your college admissions essays, there is a beacon of wisdom that Anca Antoci illuminates for all aspiring writers. The "5Ws technique," which resurfaced within the trends of TikTok and once again used in the landscapes of literary exploration, emerges as a source of hope for those grappling with the disheartening specter of writer's block. It stands as a radiant solution, a formula of creativity, and a guiding framework for those seeking to craft essays that not only meet the admissions criteria but also stand as testaments to your individuality, aspirations, and potential.

Imagine this technique as an enigmatic key, intricately fashioned by the hands of countless storytellers who have journeyed through creative landscapes before you. It was an ancient technique, reborn in the digital age, nurtured by the collaborative spirit of social media, and molded into an artistic tool by writers who sought to transmute the struggle of expression into a harmonious symphony of words.

As you begin on the writing of your admissions essays, allow the "5Ws technique" to be your steadfast companion, gently guiding your hand and thoughts. Picture it as a cosmic compass, aligning your narrative stars—characters, actions, timeline, setting, and purpose—with precision and grace. Just as a conductor wields a baton to orchestrate a melodic masterpiece, this technique empowers you to orchestrate an essay that resonates, captivates, and ultimately transcends mere words on paper.

Consider your characters—the embodiment of your experiences, values, and dreams. Breathe life into them, breathe depth into their personalities, and ensure that each one plays a pivotal role in your essay's symphony. Let the actions unfurl naturally, each note harmonizing with the next, creating a sequence that echoes purpose and intention. Craft a timeline that dances with the rhythm of your story, ensuring that past, present, and future align in perfect cadence.

And don’t forget, with college admissions essays, you should always be the main character!

The setting, akin to the canvas of a masterful painting, should be vibrant and evocative. It serves as the backdrop against which your characters move, and it has the power to shape the emotional resonance of your narrative. Just as a brushstroke can transform a canvas, so too can the setting amplify the impact of your words.

And then there's the "Why"—the elusive force that infuses your essay with significance. Each scene, each interaction, each revelation should be guided by a profound understanding of its purpose. Your essay's "Why" should resonate like the heartbeat of a narrative that breathes life into your experiences and aspirations. It lends depth to your storytelling, infusing each word with a sense of urgency and meaning.

So, dear college applicant, as you wrestle with the blank page before you, remember the wisdom Anca Antoci imparts and the power that the "5Ws technique" bestows. Allow it to guide you, to shape your narrative, and to infuse your admissions essays with a vitality that reaches beyond the confines of the application. Through the harmonious interplay of characters, actions, timeline, setting, and purpose, your words will weave a tale that extends its tendrils into the hearts and minds of those who read it. With this technique as your artistic key, your college admissions essays will bloom not merely as obligatory submissions, but as radiant narratives that reflect your essence, your potential, and your journey.


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