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What should you write about in your Common App main essay?

One of the most important parts of applying to college is writing the essay required by the Common Application. If you want to get into the schools of your choice, this essay is the key to that coveted acceptance letter. It's normal to be worried, or even a bit stressed, about not only what to write about but also how much work this essay requires to make it worthy of acceptance. We'll use our ingenuity and enthusiasm to help you come up with a Common App main essay topic that will make you stand out to admissions officials, highlight your greatest qualities, and get you into the school of your dreams. So, let's go through this process together and find the best topic for your Common App main essay!

Step 1: Finding Out What You're Interested In

Finding a good essay subject begins with exploring areas of interest. Sit down with a pen and paper and take a few minutes to brainstorm what makes you happy. Think on the things you like doing, the things you've accomplished, the difficulties you've overcome, and the extraordinary experiences you've had. Above all, what experiences throughout your life have most impacted and shaped you into the person you are today? The best essay topics and themes often come from real interest and a personal connection to the subject, making this process of self-discovery vital. When you put your heart and soul into a piece of writing, the reader will be drawn in and your work will leave a lasting effect.

Step 2: Consult with Your Family , Friends, Teachers, and Peers

Your friends and family are the rock that every college candidate needs. Don't be shy about asking them for their thoughts on what they find most interesting and motivating about you. You never know what hidden gems or surprising ideas their fresh eyes and outsider perspectives may unearth. Insights about your character and personality that may not be evident in your transcripts or résumé might be provided by your friends and relatives, along with helping your recognize or remember key aspects about your life, background, and experiences that you may have either forgotten or overlooked. The admissions committee wants to know more about you than just your grades and activities. You may learn a lot about yourself and figure out what sets you apart from the crowd by polling your closest friends and family members.

Step 3: Brainstorming Ideas

Try looking for motivation in places that are out of your normal routine. Explore literature, film, and online content that delves into imaginative and entertaining themes, unique civilizations, and unexplored tales. Allow your thoughts to meander aimlessly and generate surprising associations. An original thought, never-before-made connection, or new perspective that will make your essay stand out from the crowd might strike at any time (colleges read thousands of cookie-cutter essays, and the essays that take an unconventional angle will catch their attention. You may discover new and interesting ways to convey your narrative in an original and engaging way if you experiment with different writing styles and ideas.

Step 4: Be Open to Novelty and Eccentricity

Don't be hesitant to embrace your idiosyncrasies and unique experiences in the search for an interesting essay subject. Essays that share experiences that surprised you—whether they made you laugh, weep, or think differently—tend to do well. Think about how these events have impacted you and the lessons you've learned. Sharing personal tales and insights may make your essay distinctive and compelling, which is important when applying to colleges. And above all, don’t be afraid to write on a topic that may seem unusual, odd, or even quirky. Colleges want to get to know the real you—exactly as you are!

Step 5: Trust Your Gut

The best topic for your Common App main essay is the one that really speaks to you. In other words, don’t write on a topic that you think the colleges want or based on other successful essays before you. By doing so, you will lose yourself and your own unique voice and experiences in the process. If the essay comes from the heart, you will likely connect with theirs—and make a lasting impression on the admissions office. Follow your gut and choose something that really interests you. If reading it makes you feel excited and enthusiastic, it will likely have the similar impact on the admissions officials who read it.

Also, share the essay with a few friends, family members, and/or teachers and ask them for their feedback. If they say, “Wow! This essay sounds just like you!”, then you are on the right track. However, if they say, “I like the essay, but it doesn’t really seem like you.”, then you know you have missed the mark. If your friends and family cannot recognize you from the essay, then neither will the colleges! A really impressive and memorable essay is the product of genuine effort and enthusiasm. The aim is to reveal something about who you are that exemplifies your core beliefs and ambitions.

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With these four steps, you'll be well on your way to finding a perfect topic for your Common App main essay that will fascinate admissions officers and capture the remarkable person you are. If you investigate your hobbies, interview your inner circle, explore the unfamiliar, embrace the unexpected, and follow your heart, you will make a lasting impression on the admissions office.

So, go with your gut, express yourself freely, and have fun with it! Exploring who you are and developing your unique voice through writing is a thrilling and fulfilling experience.